Forbidden Planet is a futuristic science fiction/adventure film directed by Allan Holzman and starring Dawn Dunlap, June Chadwick, Jesse Vint, Linden Chiles, Fox Harris and Michael Bowen.
A meticulously crafted, cult classic that’s an uncompromising character study destined to stand the test of time and not an unstructured, low-grade B-movie cobbled together over an unscheduled three day weekend.
Forbidden World (1982) Plot
In a galaxy far away…
like a gagillion miles from here on the post-apocalyptic hellscape of planet Xarbia…
You know, I won’t bore you. I’m sure you’ve got Instagram to check.
Basically…group of scientists isolated on a far off planet…beset by an alien life form. If you’ve ever seen Alien or absorbed the basic gist of the plot through osmosis you know this.
Takeaway Points of Forbidden Planet
1) The movie was yet another feather in the cap of legendary movie mogul & lifelong good tipper Roger Corman.
2) Despite all of the film’s derivative hokum, the production and brazen release of Forbidden Planet did pave the way for a 1991 sequel Dead Space starring the dewy fresh face of a certain mister Bryan Cranston.
It also starred Marc Singer.
Forbidden World (1982) Gallery

Dawn Dunlap, June Chadwick and Jesse Vint

Dawn Dunlap and Jesse Vint

Jesse Vint

Jesse Vint

Forbidden World (1982)

Jesse Vint
Interests include:: coffee, jackhammers, grandma’s medicine cabinet and sympathetic yawning.